, Coworking, Inspirational

Goal Setting for the Busy Entrepreneur

Time is free but it’s priceless.
You can’t own it but you can use it.
You can’t keep it but you can spend it.
Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.
~Harvey MacKay

Time is one of your most valuable assets. As an entrepreneur, you’re deeply immersed in everything you can do within your power to help your business succeed. Oftentimes, you do mental goal setting because you don’t have the time to sit down and write detailed goals. These mental goals give you an idea of what you want to achieve for the day, week or month.

However, you need more than an idea especially if you want your team to clearly understand your vision and what they need to do to make it a reality. Here are some tips to help you make time for detailed goal setting despite your hectic schedule.

Use a Goal Setting App

Your phone is like an extra limb on your body. It’s with you wherever you go and makes handling remotely managing your business easier. You’ll have some moments of down time throughout the day…waiting for a meeting or a flight or standing in line. You can use your down time to set and track your goals from a goal-setting app.

Some of the best goal-setting apps for both iOS and Android are:

  • Strides
  • Way of Life
  • ATracker
  • HabitBull
  • Google Calendar Goals

Make Daily Goal Setting a Part of Your Routine

Goal setting should become a daily habit. The large over-arching goals are great, but it’s the small steps that you take to achieve them that matter. This is a principle that James Clear discusses in his book “Atomic Habits”. The tiny steps you take to form good habits each day matters.

It will be difficult initially. You’re probably accustomed to waking up in the morning and tackling the day head-on. Creating daily goals means that you have to shift things up a bit. You have two options:

  • Get up at least half an hour earlier and write your goals for that day.
  • Use an hour before you go to bed each evening to write your goals for the next day.

You’ll find that making daily goal setting a habit will help you achieve your larger goals faster.

View Goal Setting as a Priority

We pay keen attention to things that are high on our priority list. Sure, you have to hustle to make money. That’s your ultimate priority. However, goal setting should be treated with the same level of alacrity. When you make goal setting a priority, you’ll accomplish more despite the limits placed on your time. You’ll make time for this high priority task.

Putting It All Together

Goal setting shouldn’t be limited to a mental process. It’s something that you must actively do each day. Time constraints aren’t an excuse. You can download goal setting apps and make slight adjustments to your schedule if you’re really serious about making goal setting a priority. The time you spend goal setting pays off in the long-term.



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